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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort ascending Topic Main audience
MS Society email technical guide: Apple (iOS) devices This technical guide shows you how to use MS Society email on an Apple (iOS) device.
Teamspirit 214 - September 2017 Our bi-monthly newsletter for group coordinating teams. Word version for content to be added to group newsletters.
Teamspirit 206 - May 2016 Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members. PDF version. News Newsletter editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair
Royal Trust Collection opportunities for free visits to The King's London and Windsor residences — further information
Teamspirit 191 - November 2013 (PDF) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
HSV: 937 - Meeting in a private home Our guidance document, plus the wording you will need to provide in an email if you are unable to add an electronic signature to the document.
COVID induction for Day Centres Complete this risk assessment for exercise equipment provided to people with MS.
Portal User Guide A step-by-step guide to the different functions of our Portal.
Shops review proposal
Our Volunteering Strategy 2020-2023
Health and Safety Statement 2023 - 2024 Outlines the MS Society's commitment to meeting health and safety standards signed by our CEO.
Stop MS Appeal frequently asked questions
Exit process for local volunteers Use this flowchart when a person stops volunteering with your group.
Group Handbook A3: Our values and how we deal with problems Our organisational values, our Code of Conduct, equality, diversity and inclusion, and dealing with problems.
Free will writing service A poster of our free will writing service for supporters
Safeguarding children policy and procedure (Scotland) MS Society safeguarding children policy and procedure (Scotland)
New booklet: MS and your bowels Free print copies of this booklet can be requested from our online shop -
Fundraising self-assessment Assess your branch or group's fundraising strengths and weaknesses and get guidance on how to improve your fundraising.
Data Protection for GDPR eLearning: TalentLMS trouble shooting
Group Handbook Appendix 3: MS Society rules for groups Our rules for groups and for volunteers included in the Group Handbook.