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Resource library

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Title Description Typesort ascending Topic Main audience
HSV: 123 - Incident report form The incident form was reviewed in November 2023 and replaces all previous versions. Use this form to log and report all near misses or incidents where no one is injured Form Health and safety Everyone
HSV: 126 - MS Society Gazebo Checklist This checklist to be completed on the day, by a competent person who is present throughout the event and is responsible for the erection, supervision, management and dismantling of the gazebo. To be... Form Events, Health and safety Events coordinator
Local Networks Programme Guide Appendix 1: Volunteer website resource index An index of all volunteer website resources included in the Local Networks Programme Guide. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
How to update group account signatories Guidance on completing a mandate form to add or change signatories on your MS Society cash pooling account Guide
Local Networks Programme Guide B1: MS Society group requirements Find out how the Local Networks Programme will make running a group simpler. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
Local Networks Programme Guide Autumn 2016 This guide will support you through the implementation of the Local Networks Programme. Guide
Local Networks Programme Guide: Introduction and contents Introduction and contents of our guide to support you through the implementation of the Local Networks Programme. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
Local Campaigning Toolkit - Speaking to the press How to write press releases and contact the press. Guide Campaigning Chair, Campaigner
Local Networks Programme Guide Part A: The Local Networks Programme An overview of the Local Networks Programme and the implementation plan. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
Local Campaigning Toolkit - Influencing decision makers in Northern Ireland Working with MLAs, MPs, local authorities and local health boards in Northern Ireland. Guide Campaigning Chair, Campaigner
Local Networks Programme Guide B2: Recruiting and supporting local volunteers How the Local Networks Programme will transform local volunteering. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
Local Campaigning Toolkit - Influencing decision makers in Scotland Working with MSPs, MPs, local councils and local health boards in Scotland. Guide Campaigning Chair, Campaigner
Local Networks Programme Guide C1: Supporter Care Team Our Supporter Care Team is your point of contact for queries to MS Society departments. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
Local Campaigning Toolkit - Influencing decision makers in Wales Working with AMs, MPs, local authorities and local health boards in Wales. Guide Campaigning Chair, Campaigner
Local Networks Programme Guide D1: Free fundraising materials Find out about the free fundraising items your MS Society group can now order. Guide Branch and group basics Everyone
Local Networks Programme Guide C4: MS Society email MS Society email enables MS Society groups to send, receive and store email communications in a professional and secure manner. Guide Everyone
Local Networks Programme Guide E2: Quality Standards A guide to achieving our Quality Standards for the activities delivered or funded by your MS Society group. Guide Everyone
Staying safe when volunteering alone - A guide for volunteers This guide will support you to make safe choices when volunteering alone. Guide Health and safety
Local Networks Programme Guide E1: Clinical services and complementary therapies Definitions, criteria and support available to MS Society groups that deliver or fund clinical services and complementary therapies. Guide Everyone
Local Networks Programme Guide C5: Online accounting Online accounting is our simple to use accounting tool for MS Society groups that deliver activities and handle money. Guide Everyone