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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort ascending Topic Main audience
Inviting your local candidates to a group meeting — template email Guidance on inviting local candidates to meet with a local group before the 2024 General Election, plus a template for emailing them.
'In aid of MS Society' logo If any supporters would like to fundraise for your group, you can provide them with this ‘in aid of MS Society' logo to use.
VPRA: 303A - Hazardous substances (day centres) Branches operating a day centre must ensure this risk assessment is completed by an appropriate person (known as day centre contact).
Talking about For you This document provides more information about For you and some key messages you can use when communicating with your local group.
HSV: 142 - Seating and posture for workstations Discover how to sit at a computer to avoid strain or injury, plus risks to watch out for when using a screen.
My MS Walk sponsor form Share this sponsor form with your MS Walk supporters.
Group Handbook D1: Offering MS Support Our MS Support priorities, setting up an MS Support service, Lead/ Support Volunteer induction, training and ongoing support.
Teamspirit 208 - September 2016 Our bi-monthly newsletter for group officers and national support group committee volunteers. Newsletter editor
Teamspirit 193 - March 2014 (Word) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
Multi-Factor Authentication - Instructions Follow 10 quick steps to register for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on your mobile phone. This will provide extra log-in security for your MS Society Office 365 account and MS Society email.
VTRA: 005A - Lending Group vehicles If you wish to lend out your group vehicle, complete this risk assessment to make sure those borrowing it stay safe, and to protect you from liability.
Stop MS images - Facebook Add a Stop MS image to your group or personal Facebook to show everyone you're supporting our Stop MS Appeal.
Teamspirit 216 - January 2018 (Word) Our bi-monthly newsletter for Coordinating Teams. Word version for content to be added to group newsletters.
Campaign Organiser Volunteer Management Toolkit This resource is for Campaign Organisers. It will help you recruit and support local campaigners. It includes information on the MS Society volunteer journey and tools available to manage others.
Dignity policy guidance Guidance on implementing our Dignity policy.
MS surveys - poster and postcard resources
Applying for a Section 19 permit How to apply for a minibus Section 19 permit, which proves you are exempt from certain regulations and allows you to claim back fuel tax. You need one if you have a minibus with nine seats or more...
Teamspirit 228 - January 2020 - PDF
Sponsor form Use this form to collect sponsorship for either a national or local fundraising activity.
Teamspirit 218 - May 2018 (PDF) Our bi-monthly publication for Coordinating Teams. PDF version.