On the first Tuesday of every month, at around 3pm, our Health and Safety Officer will join the weekly Zoom drop-in hosted by the Volunteer Support Team (VST). He'll be there for half an hour or so for you to drop in with any questions about keeping everyone safe at your group events, and the processes you need to follow. To connect with Andy, just use the Zoom link below.
Health and Safety drop-in - First Tuesday of the month, 3-3.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88644367945?pwd=SkhzRndRMGc2UWZqZjlFN1pZNXpYQT09
Meeting ID: 886 4436 7945
Passcode: 97102971
Please feel free to forward this information and link to any member of your volunteering team who may be interested.