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New Welcome resources available

We now have a suite of resources to welcome our volunteers.

We've updated our Welcome booklet. It reflects the Local Networks Programme and changes to the way we talk about ourselves and what we do.

A big thank you to volunteers who shared their experiences and those of you who took part in the consultation on the wording and design of this booklet.

Our Welcome and induction checklists are new resources.


  • are tailored to each role
  • include activities for newly-recruited volunteers to get to know us and settle into their role
  • signpost to our policies and learning resources available.

Your welcome and induction checklist complements your role description. So if you’re a volunteer moving into a new role as part of the Local Network Programme, you might find your checklist useful. Simply search for your role page on this website, it includes a link to your checklist.

We consulted with staff and volunteers on these resources but would love to hear from you. If you have any feedback about the Welcome booklet or one of our welcome and induction checklists, please email your comments at [email protected].