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We've updated our Whistleblowing policy

The MS Society is committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability in everything that we do.

We know that our people would usually be the first to know if someone inside or connected with the organisation were to be doing something illegal, dishonest or improper. We don't believe that it is in anyone’s interests for anyone with knowledge of wrongdoing to remain silent. We would always encourage anyone with any concerns to raise them.

We also understand that people can sometimes feel apprehensive about raising concerns and that’s why we have a whistleblowing policy. As part of our regular cycle of reviewing policies we have just reviewed this policy. We wanted to remind everyone that it's there and where to find it.

Our Whistleblowing policy sets out our approach and the procedure by which you can report any concerns and be sure they are acted upon. The whistleblowing policy is also intended to act as a deterrent to fraud or other corruption or serious malpractice; and to protect our activities and reputation.

The whistleblowing policy does not supersede other organisational policies but is there for instances where people feel they have exhausted other avenues or that it's not appropriate to use them.

The policy also tells you where to get advice about whistleblowing and the relevant contact details.