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Resolving issues on our website

We've been working with our developers to fix issues we've been having with publishing local events and services on the website. This is done by an automatic update that runs every evening, pulling any new events added to the Portal onto groups' pages on the main website.

Issues we're working through include:

  • Making sure when a local group is removed its associated events no longer appear on the website

  • Making sure events deactivated in the portal don't appear on the website

  • An error that means multiple versions of the same event are appearing on some group pages

  • Whether the support search: can default to show results within the closest distance (right now users have to apply the distance sort themselves using the sort drop down option)

  • Making sure all new events are published in the evening update

These fixes are all scheduled with our developers and due to be completed by the end of February, when we can update you again. If there are any other issues with group pages not in this list, please let [email protected] know.

For example, if a group isn't appearing after a postcode search, even after allowing for distance sort, it could mean we need to update the group's location on the website. This is something we can do without development.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. We’re working hard to get this running smoothly for all our volunteers and visitors.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact [email protected].