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RDO/CDO visits to groups

Last year, as we talked about the changes the creation of the new Community Networks Team would bring, one of the things we discussed was making an annual visit to each of our groups.  

This year’s visit will be a chance for your Coordinating Team to get to know your Regional Development Officer (RDO)/Community Development Officer (CDO). After a difficult 18 months, we want to find out what’s working and what isn’t, and to hear about any challenges you may be facing and the ambitions you have. This will help your RDO/CDO identify ways to support you, and how you could work together in the future.   

The visit will be an opportunity to check that we have the correct details on who’s volunteering with your group (so they can receive the support they need). We’ll also look at the services and activities you’re delivering. We want to ensure that the information on the Portal is accurate, so your events can be promoted via our website. And we want to see how we can support you better to ensure that your services and activities meet our organisational standards and legal obligations.   

We hope that all the visits to groups around the UK can be completed between September and December. Your RDO/CDO will be in touch in the coming weeks to arrange a date, and is looking forward to meeting your team in person.