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Resolving Volunteer Issues Policy - updated

Our volunteers play an incredible role supporting the MS community across the UK, and we want to ensure that volunteering is a positive experience for everyone.

There are rare times, however, where volunteers are unhappy with their experience, and where an issue about volunteering needs to be addressed. An example of this could be where the Code of Conduct is not followed. You can see our Code of Conduct here.

The Resolving Volunteer Issues Policy helps us to build a positive volunteering culture, by providing a quick and fair process for addressing these rare occasions.

Co production

Volunteers from all four nations in the UK, have joined staff to review this policy and improve it. The new policy is live from today (Friday 2 July).

Through the review, we’ve built more flexibility into the policy. We hope that these changes will mean that volunteers will feel empowered to take action and resolve issues for themselves where they are comfortable to do so. We’ve also added in practical resources, such as suggested templates for associated letters, for the rare circumstances where these are needed.

The Volunteering Team will deliver workshops to support you understand the changes to the policy, highlight the process for dealing with issues, and provide some case studies so you can put your knowledge of the process into practice.

These workshops are particularly aimed at those who lead and manage other volunteers, such as Group Coordinators, as they will mostly deal with these issues, however they are open to all volunteers.

You can register for workshops here:

We're looking forward to seeing you during the workshops. If you have any further comments about the policy or procedure, please contact the Volunteering Team.