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Neurology Now – this can’t continue

Despite one in six people in the UK living with a neurological condition, neurology services are stretched, underfunded and overlooked. These services were neglected long before the pandemic – but now the situation is critical. 

Our community have told us of difficulties in accessing MS and neurology services even before the COVID-19 pandemic. And that delays to appointments and waiting times for services have increased even more due to the effects of the pandemic.

Healthcare professionals, like MS nurses, want to support people with MS. However, there simply aren’t enough of them and the backlog from the pandemic is huge. We need urgent change for neurology services, so that everyone with MS can get access to the right professionals and treatment, at the right time across the UK.

Look out for our campaign launch next month by signing up to the Campaigns Community, and follow us on social media for information on how to get involved and take action.