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Information resources – latest versions and new catalogue

We want to ensure we’re keeping you better informed of changes to our printed resources so we now have a list of the latest versions on the Volunteer Website here. You can find this list in the Resource Library or by doing a quick search.

‘Information resources – latest versions’ is a simple list of the printed booklets available, and the dates of the latest versions.

This list will be updated whenever things change. But if there’s a new version in future with significant changes, or something needs to be withdrawn, we’ll let you know through this email update.

How to find our information

If you need to update the information you’ve got, you can order it from our online shop. And you can find the very latest information, including about COVID-19, on our website.

Promoting our information – new catalogue

You can promote our resources with the new version of the ‘Information resources’ catalogue – free to order from the shop. And of course, direct people to the website where they’ll find booklets, web pages, online tools, videos, news and blogs.