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Launching our Impact Awards

In an email at the end of January, we were delighted to share the work we’ve been doing to develop our Volunteer Recognition Scheme - a fresh new way to acknowledge commitment, achievement and success. We outlined the principles of the scheme, and the key elements to look out for. If you missed it, you can read about this here.

Today, we’re launching our Impact Awards. These replace our Shining Stars programme, and will recognise how the impact our volunteers make contributes to our strategic mission.

We know that, in so many different ways, our volunteers make an invaluable contribution to the lives of those affected by MS. Some of these we hear about, and some we don’t. If you’re aware of someone who’s making a difference, in any area of our work, we hope the launch of these new awards will inspire you to nominate them.

Nominations can be made in one or more of the following areas of impact:

  • Supporting and empowering
  • Fundraising
  • Sharing skills and expertise
  • Informing
  • Connecting
  • Influencing

For more information on how the award process will work, and to complete a nomination form, please visit our new webpage here.

Nominations will open during next week (w/c 14 March 2022), and can be made by volunteers, service users and staff.

We really hope to receive a lot of nominations for these new awards, so we can show our volunteers the appreciation they deserve and share their stories across the organisation and beyond.

We want to get much better at shouting about volunteer successes and achievements - so everyone knows how great MS Society volunteers are, and can be inspired by examples of best practice. So, we’ll be promoting stories at regular intervals on social media. These will feature both the more recent recipients of Shining Stars, and (as they start to come through) the recipients of these new Impact Awards.

No volunteer contribution is too big or too small to be recognised. Help us spread the word!

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .