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Finance year end - information and support

We know that many of our groups have turned their attention to planning well-deserved festive fun. But the financial year end will be here before we know it! We want to make the process feel manageable for everyone, and to support you as much as we can. 

What needs to be done

For the year end, your group will need to:   

  • Analyse all group transactions dated 2022 in Online Accounting (including December transactions that will become available at the beginning of January) and produce a December Receipts and Payment Report. 

  • Complete the Financial Rules Checklist. This will need to be done online, through the online Year End system. Finance Volunteers will receive a link to the system in December and will need to answer the checklist questions. These are then submitted to the Group Coordinator (or other authorising Coordinating Team member if the group is without a Group Coordinator), who will need to check them and submit them to the Finance Team.

  • Upload the December 2022 Receipts and Payment report to the online Year End Portal before submitting the checklist to the Group Coordinator (or authorising Coordinating Team member), as this also needs to be signed off by both volunteers.

  • Separately email the Finance Support Team on [email protected] if the group has purchased or disposed of any group fixed assets in 2022. 

A small number of groups experienced some problems with the online Year End system last year, so it’s being improved for this year.

If you have an MS Society email address, please use it for the year end process. If you don’t have one, or have problems with your password, the new system will work with non-MS Society email addresses as well.

Finance Volunteers will receive a link to the system, with instructions, in December.

Working with the auditors

Every year, a small number of groups are selected by our auditors and asked to arrange a separate Agreed Upon Procedures (AUP) Report. Once we’ve heard from the auditors, we’ll be in touch with the relevant groups to explain what this entails. 

The auditors also select a small number of transactions from a small number of groups, and ask these groups to provide supporting paperwork. Again, we’ll let those groups who will need to do this know, as soon as we hear from the auditors.

Supporting you  

To help support the year end process, we’re running a number of online support sessions on Zoom, starting in November and continuing through December. Any Coordinating Team member is welcome to attend one of these. We’ll discuss the process, show you how to access and use the systems, and answer any questions you may have.

Register here to attend one of these Zoom sessions.

If you have any queries about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].