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A reminder about safeguarding
Keeping adults with care and support needs protected from harm is a priority for us. So it’s critical for the safe running of our groups that volunteers understand safeguarding and how to report any concerns.
As a registered charity, we must comply with Charity Commission guidance. This means that any safeguarding concerns or incidents arising within your group must be reported centrally — by completing our Record of Safeguarding Concern and Actions form and emailing it to [email protected].
Safeguarding can take many different forms including unexplained injuries, bullying, harassment, neglect, theft or fraud, and self harm. Our Safeguarding Responders Group (SRG) meets regularly to review all reported concerns, and can provide any advice or support that you and your group might need.
Safeguarding is included in the induction checklist for all our volunteer roles, and our safeguarding guidance and support can be found on the volunteer website. Here you’ll find an introductory presentation explaining how to recognise and identify the different types of abuse. And links to our safeguarding policies and procedures.
We understand that safeguarding can be a challenging area and are here to help and support you. So please do get in touch at [email protected] if you have any concerns.