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Join our Volunteer User Panel!
It's important to us that you have the tools and support you need to serve your MS communities, and that volunteering with us is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We want to make sure that systems and resources are designed in partnership with the volunteers who will use them, and that decisions affecting local groups are made by volunteers and staff working together.
With this emphasis on collaboration in mind, we're creating a Volunteer User Panel. This working group will be providing valuable input, championing the support and launch of our new volunteering system, whereby volunteers can manage their own volunteering journey at the MS Society.
What will Panel members do?
As a member of the Volunteer User Panel, you'll play a leading role in ensuring that the MS Society’s new Volunteer Management Solution (VMS) meets the needs of volunteers. This will involve understanding the various capabilities of the new system.
You’ll be testing the capabilities of the new VMS and be involved with review sessions at each stage as the system is developed. Members of the panel will provide feedback on how the system performs against the needs of our volunteers. As the project progresses, you’ll have the opportunity to advise on the rollout and training approach for MS Society volunteers.
How to apply
We're looking for a total of 10 volunteers from across the UK, who hold a variety of roles across the volunteering network to form this panel. Meetings will be held online on a fortnightly basis. This role will start at the end of November and is expected to last between 8-12 months.
Click here to read the full role description.
If you're interested in being a Panel member, please click here to apply using our online form (link is external)
Deadline: Friday 8 December