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Assemble Volunteer User Panel update

At the end of last year, we recruited a Volunteer User Panel to provide valuable input into our new volunteer management system (VMS), Assemble.

You can find out more about Assemble in our previous news article here. The system will take on much of the functionality of both the Portal and volunteer website. These sites will retire once we have Assemble up and running.

In this article, we hear about what the panel has been up to since forming.

Who’s on the panel? 

Our user panel is made up of existing volunteers who hold a variety of volunteer roles and responsibilities. As well as volunteers from our group network, we’re fortunate to have two volunteers who are part of our Helpline and Befriending service.   

The panel members have been really engaged from the start. They’re curious to learn more about Assemble, and how they can be actively involved with user testing and ensuring that the new system meets the needs of our volunteers. 

What does the panel do? 

The panel is tasked with: 

  • understanding the functional requirements of Assemble, and testing elements of this in the staging system 

  • providing feedback against the requirements for the system, and whether it works as intended 

  • supporting the rollout and training approach for volunteers, including the design of training materials 

  • representing the volunteer voice and how best we can support our wider network of volunteers, from a training and change management perspective

The rollout of Assemble is part of a wider IT change project that will transform the way we capture and use data across the organisation. However, Assemble is unique in having end-users involved in the test and build stage of the system development.

About what inspired him to join the Volunteer User Panel, member Peter says, “I think it is very important that volunteers add their perspective and views to anything being changed... It often has felt like them and us, staff and volunteers, so the more I can do to help break this down the better, to show that volunteers do have a useful input.”

Current panel activity

In the last two panel meetings, we went through our approach to user testing. The panel members have now begun their testing activities and been given access to our Assemble test system to allow them to provide feedback with how the system performs against some of the specific volunteer requirements.

We heard from panel member, Yolanda Barker, about her experience:

“Ensuring that Assemble works for volunteers was a key motivation for my participation.  I am fortunate to have the ability to see situations from different perspectives and identify potential issues, offering ideas for improvement. 

Ultimately, I want Assemble to succeed because I see great potential in operating services under one sign-in.  The ability to log your volunteer hours is particularly appealing — although the practical implementation remains to be seen, the concept and its potential are huge. 

Participating in system testing has allowed me to provide valuable feedback and evaluate new features.   Although not perfect, I believe Assemble will be user-friendly and enhance the connectivity and effectiveness of groups and volunteers in their efforts to Stop MS and help improve the lives of those affected by MS.”

When will Assemble launch?

We’re looking to launch Assemble later this year. Keep your eyes peeled on our emails for more information over the coming months.