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Face-to-face fundraising in 2025

Following a successful pilot, we started face-to-face fundraising using professional fundraisers last May. Since then, over 1,900 people have signed up to give regular gifts, with an average gift of £119 across the year — a fantastic result.

Increasing the number of regular-giving supporters helps us plan more long term and allows us to build long-lasting relationships with these new supporters.

But it’s about more than fundraising. As you know, many people don’t know much about MS, so our professional fundraisers really help to raise awareness of the condition and its impact. And, for those who are familiar with MS, to raise awareness of our organisation. Our fundraisers carry ‘thank you for listening’ cards and a welcome pack. These direct people to the local support page on our website, where they can learn more about the local support available to them — even if they don’t choose to donate.

Thank you

A huge thank you to everyone who’s shared their feedback on the campaign. This has been a big help in shaping and reviewing this activity. We’ve enjoyed connecting with volunteers and are looking forward to building on that this year.

Where’s your group collecting this year?

Thanks to all the groups that have already shared their fundraising plans for 2025. Our professional fundraisers are likely to move to new locations, so we want to avoid any clashes and make sure things run as smoothly as possible for everyone. So, if you’ve got any plans you haven’t told us about yet, please let us or your VSO know as soon as possible so we can give the fundraising agency plenty of notice to avoid overlaps. Due to the nature of how the fundraising teams are allocated across the UK, we’re only notified of the areas they’ll be in on the Friday before each week.

To give feedback or pass on any details of upcoming group fundraising locations, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] .

Thank you again for everything you’ve done to support this campaign. Here’s to an even better 2025!