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Grants eLearning
Our eLearning module will take you through the types of grants that groups can offer, the MS Society grants framework and processes that your group needs to follow, and where to find further support.
It'll take about 35-45 minutes to complete and can be done in more than one sitting. You can work through the eLearning as an introduction to grants if your group is considering setting up a grants service. Or you can use it as a refresher and resource to dip in to for specific information, if your group already offers grants.
This isn't must-do training, but will give you an understanding of what you need to do to offer grants locally. We recommend that all volunteers involved in grants complete it, whether that's as a Support Volunteer who may be helping people apply for a grant, or volunteers in other roles who will be making decisions about applications.
What will be covered?
During the training we:
- explore the grants available at the MS Society
- explain our approach to grant giving
- share the best practice principles of grant giving
- explore the legislation, rules and regulations we have to follow
- share the process for considering grants
- explain your responsibilities as part of a grants panel
- share where to get further support
How to access the eLearning
The eLearning is available on Talent LMS, our online learning platform. We’ll be adding it to your account in mid-July if you’re in any of the roles below.
- Lead Support Volunteer / Support Volunteer
- Group Coordinator
- Finance Volunteer
You’ll receive an automated email notification when it’s available, which will appear in your inbox from 'MS Society eLearning gateway'.
If you’re in another role and involved in grants at your group, or would find this guidance useful, you’re welcome to use the eLearning. Just contact our Grants Coordinator on [email protected] to request access to it.