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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Titlesort descending Description Type Topic Main audience
Safeguarding awareness training distance learning pack The distance learning pack of our safeguarding awareness training. Volunteer basics Everyone
Safeguarding children and young people - making a referral Guidance on the information to include when reporting a child or young person safeguarding concern to the Safeguarding Responders Group.
Safeguarding children and young people - recognising child abuse This guidance lists the types of child abuse you may encounter and how to recognise them.
Safeguarding children policy and procedure (EWNI) MS Society safeguarding children policy and procedure (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Safeguarding children policy and procedure (Scotland) MS Society safeguarding children policy and procedure (Scotland)
Safeguarding risk guidance: Day Centre Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.
Safeguarding risk guidance: Group activity Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.
Safeguarding risk guidance: MS Support Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.
Safeguarding risk guidance: One to one regulated activity Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.
Safeguarding risk guidance: Providing transport Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.
Sainsbury's Charity of the Year article for branch newsletter Article for branch newsletters on Sainsbury's Charity of the Year Communications material Fundraising and campaigning Newsletter editor
Scott Mills' 70s Quiz! Downloadable 70s party quiz created by our brand ambassador and DJ and radio presenter, Scott Mills.
Shop COVID-19 HS RA Complete this risk assessment for therapy or exercise sessions for people with MS.
Shops review proposal
Short Guide for Stop MS Champions
Signatory declaration form To become an MS Society group account signatory, you must sign this declaration.
Signatory responsibilities As a cheque signatory, you have a responsibility to help prevent fraud. Refer to this list when signing cheques.
SLA template Our current SLA, plus the wording you will need to provide in an accompanying email from the Service Provider if electronic signatures cannot be added to the SLA.
Social Media Guide This guide will help you to represent us on social media.
Social media images This is a bank of images with consent forms already on file. You can use these images with confidence that they meet our data requirements. These images have been formatted for you to use on Facebook...