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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort descending Topic Main audience
Safeguarding risk guidance: MS Support Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.
VPRA: 105A - Manual handling (shops) Branches operating a shop must ensure this risk assessment is completed by an appropriate person (known as shop contact).
'Managed' venue definition for social activities and meetings
HSV: 132B - Property induction form - vulnerable adults Use this checklist when carrying out a volunteer induction with a vulnerable adult
My MS Walk fundraising guide All the support you need to plan a perfect MS Walk to raise funds for our Stop MS Appeal.
Recruiting volunteers online distance learning pack This distance learning pack outlines the steps to recruiting volunteers, from when you first realise you need a volunteer to helping them settle into their role.
Safeguarding children and young people - making a referral Guidance on the information to include when reporting a child or young person safeguarding concern to the Safeguarding Responders Group.
Template press release - sponsored fundraising Press release to help promote sponsored fundraising.
Insurance contact details
Old hazard symbols .
Stop MS Appeal presentation Use these slides when talking to local audiences about our Stop MS Appeal.
Teamspirit 215 - November 2017 (Word) Our bi-monthly newsletter for Coordinating Teams. Word version for content to be added to group newsletters.
Safeguarding awareness training distance learning pack The distance learning pack of our safeguarding awareness training. Volunteer basics Everyone
Record of Safeguarding Concern and Actions Form Use this form to record disclosures of abuse, suspected abuse or potential harm to an adult at risk.
Teamspirit 227 - November 2019 Word
Third-Party Data Protection Undertaking Print two copies and ask your service provider to sign both. Give your service provider one copy for their reference and securely store the other copy until a year after you stop providing the...
Group Handbook B1: Availability, contact and communication Availability, being easy to contact, communicating with our members, and press and publicity.
Volunteer role descriptions However you've chosen to volunteer with us, you can find the description of your role below. And details of any must-do training you'll need to complete.
Teamspirit 183 - June 2012 (PDF) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
Information from Volunteer Network Events - Nov & Dec 2020 The first file introduces the Volunteer Support Team. The second file presents some outcomes from discussions in the second part of these sessions, on keeping group services and activities going...