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Resource library
Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.
Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.
Title | Description |
Type![]() |
Topic | Main audience |
Welcoming and inducting volunteers | A guide to our welcome and induction and how to support new volunteers to settle in. | |||
Teamspirit 207 - July 2016 | Our bi-monthly magazine for group officers and national support group committee members. PDF version. | |||
Facebook group images | New group logo and banner images for Facebook pages | |||
HSV: 960 - Event induction form (young people) | Use this checklist to keep young people supporting your events safe. | |||
HSV: 742 - PARQ (Physical activity readiness questionnaire) | Before someone takes part in exercise activities, they should fill this out to check if they need to see a doctor first. | |||
Teamspirit 226 - September 2019 - Communications word version | Teamspirit 225 - July 2019 Communication Volunteers | |||
Awards for All summary | A summary of Awards for All with tips on making an application. | |||
Responding to adult safeguarding concerns | This guide is for all staff and volunteers who come into contact with people with MS, either in person, by phone or by email during the course of their volunteering activities. | |||
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy | ||||
Letter template for new fundraisers | Use this to offer support to anyone raising funds for you - should be sent with branded materials like running vests or balloons. | |||
Group Handbook updates - October 2019 | Your guide to what's in each section and what's changed in the October 2019 update. | |||
Volunteer reference template letter | Use this template to provide a reference about a volunteer. Copy and paste the text onto your appropriate MS Society headed paper and add the information requested in the square brackets. | |||
Group Handbook A6: Handling data | Our personal data responsibilities, safe data storage and disposal, the rules for emails, using membership data, images and stories. | |||
Fundraising Events Calendar 2023 | ||||
Safeguarding adults policy and procedure (Northern Ireland) | MS Society Safeguarding adults policy and procedure (Northern Ireland) | |||
Group list for Volunteer Network Events | To find the session which relates to your group, please see the list of group names here. Click on the session date to register to attend. | |||
Template press release - information event | A template press release to help you promote your information event. | |||
MS Society email user guide | Who needs to use MS Society email, why and when to use it, data protection, and how to make changes to your group of MS Society email users. | |||
Group Handbook C4: Membership administration | New members, membership renewals and using membership data. | |||
Research Reporter | Find out what's happening in the world of MS science - as compiled by our Research Team! |