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Resource library

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Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort descending Topic Main audience
Benefits and MS event presentation A PowerPoint presentation for a benefits and MS information event Communications material Offering support Events coordinator, Support volunteer
Teamspirit 206 - May 2016 Our bi-monthly newsletter for branch officers and national support group committee volunteers. Communications material News Newsletter editor
Teamspirit 202 - September 2015 Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members. PDF version. Communications material News Newsletter editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, Campaigner, Fundraiser
Word document template Use this template when creating Word documents. Communications material Chair, Everyone
Teamspirit 198 - January 2015 Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members. PDF version Communications material News Newsletter editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, Campaigner, Fundraiser
Teamspirit 202 - September 2015 Our bi-monthly newsletter for branch officers and national support group committee volunteers. Communications material News Newsletter editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, Campaigner, Fundraiser
PowerPoint presentation template Use these slides as a template for your MS Society group PowerPoint presentations. Communications material
Teamspirit 198 - January 2015 Our bi-monthly newsletter for branch officers and national support group committee members. Word version Communications material News Newsletter editor, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, Fundraiser
Change of statement address form Fill in and send to our finance team (not Barclays) to change the address on your cash pooling account. Letter
Application to local trust covering letter template (branch grantmaking) Use this template as a covering letter to be sent with a completed trust application form. Letter Fundraising Support volunteer, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, Fundraiser
Application to local trust letter template (branch grantmaking) Use this template when you are invited to apply to a local trust in writing, rather than filling in an application form. Letter Fundraising Support volunteer, Treasurer, Secretary, Chair, Fundraiser
Early Treatments Information PDF Factsheet and informational document Support Support volunteer
Teamspirit review: the findings The results of our Teamspirit consultation process and the feedback we received. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Factsheet and informational document News Everyone
Support for Carers - Carers Week 2014 An overview of what the MS Society offers nationally to support the carers and families of people with MS. Factsheet and informational document Offering support Everyone
Trust fundraising - inclusive language guidance Use of language is important when applying for funding, as it reflects underlying attitudes of the MS Society. Factsheet and informational document Fundraising Secretary, Chair, Fundraiser
Hollyoaks Q&A - January 2017 A Q&A to support volunteers receiving any enquiries following the launch of the Hollyoaks Nancy Osbourne diagnosis of MS storyline on 19 January. Factsheet and informational document Support, Publicity Everyone
Early Treatment Q&A Some questions and answers about early treatment, both in a Word and PDF file. Factsheet and informational document Offering support Support volunteer
Coronation Street Q&A - June 2017 A Q&A to support volunteers receiving any enquiries following the Coronation Street storyline on MS. Factsheet and informational document Support Support volunteer