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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort descending Topic Main audience
EDI resources Use the slides below (if you wish to) to introduce the EDI strategy at group meetings. And use the short summary to introduce it in your newsletters and other communications.
VTRA: 005A - Lending Group vehicles If you wish to lend out your group vehicle, complete this risk assessment to make sure those borrowing it stay safe, and to protect you from liability.
Stop MS individual covers - Facebook Add a Stop MS cover to your personal Facebook to show everyone you're supporting our Stop MS Appeal.
IT courses list A list of free IT courses providers, organised by group location. If the information provided is out of date, please let us know at [email protected]
Teamspirit 209 - November 2016 Our bi-monthly newsletter for group officers and national support group committee volunteers.
Dignity at Work and When Volunteering Policy This policy sets out the process for dealing with bullying and harassment informally and formally.
Conflicts of interest policy
The Lobbying Act What you need to know for a General Election
Sponsor form Use this form to collect sponsorship for either a national or local fundraising activity.
Social Media Guide This guide will help you to represent us on social media.
Group Handbook B3: Giving information Dealing with information enquiries, our publications, giving information about grants and signposting to key local services.
Monthly e-newsletter for all volunteers Our monthly e-newsletter for all volunteers is generally issued on the second Thursday of each month. Due to technical constraints, these PDF versions may have some formatting issues which weren...
Teamspirit 185 - October 2012 (PDF) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
Event invitation letter template A letter template you can use to invite people to your event. Amend the content in brackets and paste it onto an MS Society letterhead.
Teamspirit 220 - September 2018 (Word) A selection of articles from the September 2018 edition of Teamspirit in a Word document, to be considered for inclusion in local group newsletters.
Teamspirit 210 - January 2017 Our bi-monthly newsletter for group officers and national support group committee volunteers.
Celebrating 70 years poster Printable poster for celebrating 70 years.
MS Society letterhead template Add your MS Society group details to the header before you use this letter template.
HSV: 930 - Organiser's COVID guidance form
Safeguarding risk guidance: Providing transport Use this guidance document to help you plan and deliver services and activities that are safe for everyone who takes part.