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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Titlesort ascending Description Type Topic Main audience
HSV: 145 - Safe sorting guide poster Display this in your shop to show volunteers how to stay safe when sorting donations - includes the best sorting method to use.
HSV: 142 - Seating and posture for workstations Discover how to sit at a computer to avoid strain or injury, plus risks to watch out for when using a screen.
HSV: 141 - Manual handling risk assessment Use this risk assessment to identify the manual handling a volunteer undertakes and any action needed.
HSV: 132WB - Property induction workbook This booklet forms part of your induction if your branch has a property.
HSV: 132D - Property induction form - contractor Use this checklist when running through an induction with a contractor working at an MS Society property.
HSV: 132C - Property induction form - pregnant wokers Use this checklist when running through a volunteer induction with an pregnant volunteer
HSV: 132B - Property induction form - vulnerable adults Use this checklist when carrying out a volunteer induction with a vulnerable adult
HSV: 132A - Young person induction Designed for young people completing a short term volunteer or work placement. Document Health and safety Transport officer, Volunteer coordinator
HSV: 132 - Property induction form - portable appliance tester The competent portable appliance tester is responsible for agreeing a process with the shop manager and then ensuring it is in place. All the elements of this form will be checked as part of the... Form Health and safety Everyone
HSV: 132 - Property induction form - garage All those using the garage or storage space must complete the induction below
HSV: 132 - Property induction form Use this checklist when running through a property induction with a new volunteer.
HSV: 132 - Property induction - COVID additions During the pandemic special requirements must be met, these are outlined in the COVID addition to the property induction
HSV: 128 - MS Society building contact summary sheet This summary sheet must be completed for each MS Society building.
HSV: 127A - Personal emergency evacuation plan
HSV: 127 - Personal emergency evacuation plan questionnaire To be completed with any visitor who has a health condition or impairment that might affect their ability to evacuate the building safely.
HSV: 126 - MS Society Gazebo Checklist This checklist to be completed on the day, by a competent person who is present throughout the event and is responsible for the erection, supervision, management and dismantling of the gazebo. To be... Form Events, Health and safety Events coordinator
HSV: 126 - Fire evacuation drill record Use this form as a register in fire drills, or as a checklist to ensure people know the drill (a 'passive' drill).
HSV: 125B - First aid at events - frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions about first aid at events and appointed person responsibilities.
HSV: 125A - Appointed person responsibilities To be completed by each MS Society group member agreeing to take responsibility should an emergency occur, during an event with less than 25 people.
HSV: 125 - Fire and emergency safety plan Every property needs to complete this form so that you know what to do in case of fire or a suspect package.