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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort ascending Topic Main audience
Teamspirit 195 - July 2014 (Word) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members. Word version.
Volunteers' Week - Resources for use on social media
HSV: 014 - Monthly vehicle checklist Use this checklist every month for each vehicle you own, to check things like tyres, doors and lights are working properly.
Short Guide for Stop MS Champions
Providing a volunteer reference Includes who can give a reference and what it should include.
Group Handbook A5: Health, safety and wellbeing Safe volunteering, reporting accidents, risk management, equipment purchases and donations, safeguarding, services for young people, insurance and minibus administration.
Personal Care Appendix A: Care needs questionnaire Use this questionnaire to establish what support a person needs before you agree to provide contracted care.
Research Reporter - December 2022 Find out what's happening in the world of MS science - as compiled by our Research Team!
Safeguarding adults policy and procedure (England and Wales) MS Society Safeguarding Adults policy and procedure (England and Wales)
Financial position briefing note for Volunteers
Donation thank you letter template A letter template to help you thank your donors. Amend the content in brackets and paste it onto an MS Society letterhead.
Teamspirit 219 - July 2018 (Word) A selection of articles from the July 2018 edition of Teamspirit in a Word document, to be considered for inclusion in local group newsletters.
Group Handbook Appendix 5: Code of Fundraising Practice in summary An overview of the Code as it applies to our volunteer-led groups.
MS: Enough petition A printable version of our MS: Enough petition asking the Government to make the welfare system make sense for people with MS. Take it along to your branch meeting or a local community event and... Campaigning Everyone
Research Reporter - July 2023 Your essential guide to what's new in the world of MS science - as compiled by our Research Team!
Teamspirit 189 - June 2013 (PDF) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
Frequently asked questions about starting face-to-face services, social activities and fundraising
New hazard symbols All the documents you need to keep people safe when using transport.
TeamSpirit 222 - January 2019 (Word) Our bi-monthly publication for local groups. Word doc version for Communication Volunteers.
Teamspirit 212 - May 2017 Our bi-monthly newsletter for group coordinating teams. Word version for content to be added to group newsletters.