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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Titlesort ascending Description Type Topic Main audience
Group Handbook A4: Our legal identity, policies and rules Our legal identity, our charitable objects, representing us and following our policies and rules.
Group Handbook A3: Our values and how we deal with problems Our organisational values, our Code of Conduct, equality, diversity and inclusion, and dealing with problems.
Group Handbook A2: Requirements, support, tools and resources Our group requirements, optional additional services, sources of support, online tools and written resources.
Group Handbook A1: Introduction and overview About us, our volunteer-led groups and the handbook.
Group Handbook 2019 updates An overview of what's in each section, and what's changed in 2019.
Group Handbook Our handbook for local volunteer-led groups.
Grants guidance and tools Grants process overview with a summary of the main stages in the grants process, a more detailed good practice guide for awarding both Health & Wellbeing and Carers Grants at your group, a...
Grants - Health & Wellbeing form, guidance notes for applicants, and additional funding information form Health and Wellbeing Grant application form to give to applicants who want to apply to the group for a grant. There is space at the end to add your group’s details – save a copy, add the information...
Governance of MS Society volunteer-led groups This document sets out the basis of authority delegated to volunteer-led groups by our Board of Trustees. Document
Give As You Live (GAYL) activity checklist Follow these simple steps to make GAYL a success for your group.
Give As You Live (GAYL) Find out more about how Give As You Live could support your group.
Gift Aid declaration form Add your group details to this Gift Aid declaration form.
Gift Aid declaration confirmation letter Use this letter to confirm an oral Gift Aid agreement with a supporter.
GDPR Data Statements Use this guide when you need to construct a Data Statement
Gary Rushworth walk press release template
Gary Rushworth walk itinerary
Funds from other charities If your group can't help someone with a grant, or can only provide some of the cost of an item, this document could help you signpost them to other grant-giving charities.
Fundraising videos transcripts For a transcript of the videos made for How the Booths did it and Fundraising in the community top tips.
Fundraising standards distance learning pack The distance learning pack of our Fundraising standards online presentation.
Fundraising standards action plan We've created this resource for volunteers involved in fundraising to plan what they need to do in order to comply with fundraising standards.