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Resource library

Looking for a particular guide, form or template? You’ll find them in our resource library, where you can view or download hundreds of volunteer resources.

Simply filter your search by entering the resource title, or by picking the type, topic and audience terms that match what you’re looking for.

Title Description Typesort descending Topic Main audience
HSV: 146 - Safe lifting and carrying poster Display this in MS Society property to show volunteers how to lift boxes and heavy loads without getting injured.
My MS Walk certificate Present your MS Walk supporters with this certificate of thanks.
Fundraising videos transcripts For a transcript of the videos made for How the Booths did it and Fundraising in the community top tips.
Teamspirit 194 - May 2014 (Word) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
Social media policy Our policy for staff and volunteers using social media channels and spaces to talk and spread the word about their work or volunteering for the MS Society.
Code of Conduct Our Code of Conduct is a statement of values that anyone involved or connected with us must uphold.
Stop MS posts - Twitter Add a Stop MS image to your group or personal Twitter to show everyone you're supporting our Stop MS Appeal.
#TeamStopMS posts - Twitter Add a #TeamStopMS image to your group or personal Twitter to show everyone you're supporting our Stop MS Appeal.
What MS Support is - distance learning pack The offline version of our presentation on what the MS Support Programme is
Campaign Organiser toolkit - Project plan template This resource is for Campaign Organisers. It will help you plan how to find, recruit and involve volunteers in your campaign.
Personal Care Policy Our personal care policy ensures that people with MS attending MS Society services, meetings and events have access to the personal care they need.
Research Reporter - September 2022
Teamspirit 179 - November 2011 (PDF) Our bi-monthly magazine for branch officers and national support group committee members.
Teamspirit 229 March 2020 - Word
Letter template for universities A letter template to help you ask for support from university RAGs.
MS Support February 2018 Infographic showing Support Volunteer activity captured in February 2018 through information gathered from volunteers.
Group Handbook C1: Volunteering with us Understanding your volunteer needs, recruitment, agreeing the role, welcome, induction and 'must do' training, supporting and recognising volunteers, and what to do when a volunteer leaves.
HSV: 132 - Property induction - COVID additions During the pandemic special requirements must be met, these are outlined in the COVID addition to the property induction
MS Society Designs User Guide A guide for local groups, individuals and staff who'd like to order designed marketing materials. The guide provides full details on the designs available and what information we need from...
HSV: 040 - Legionnaire’s and transport Guidance for minimising the risk of Legionnaire's in branch vehicles.