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Top tips on password protection

We rely on passwords and PIN protection to keep our documents, files, phones and computers safe.  It’s vitally important to have strong passwords and to follow our guidance on keeping personal data safe.

What makes a strong password?  

A passphrase or a random three-word collection of 12 characters or more is a good start. Choose a phrase that is memorable to you, including numbers and capitals letters (such as 0urV0lunteer$ROCK or Flowers m00n b@th). 

Top password tips:

  • Change your passwords annually. 

  • Never share your passwords with anyone, and never write them down. If you need a reminder, keep it in a separate lockable device such as a PIN-protected phone, and don’t include other identifying information with it.  

  • Never use the same password for more than one thing. You may want to consider using a free password manager, like LastPass here..

  • Use passwords on documents which contain personal data. This provides an extra level of security if the email is sent in error to the wrong recipient or opened by someone who shouldn’t see the contents. The password should be shared via a text or telephone call and never included within the same email. 

  • If volunteering in a shared environment, always lock your computer when you leave it by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and selecting ‘Lock’.

So, in a nutshell, always protect personal data and keep it private.  

If you have any questions or are unsure of anything to do with passwords, please email [email protected]