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Reaching out to different areas of our community

We know that it can be a challenge to reach out to people who’ve been newly diagnosed, those who may still be working and to younger people affected by MS.

However, there are some groups that have been successful with encouraging new audiences to attend group activities and link up with the support they offer.

Some ideas to try

Some groups have managed this by developing connections with their local neurology team and MS nurse who’ve then helped to promote the group to new people who may not have been aware of any local presence of the MS Society.

Another way that groups have managed to reach out to new and diverse groups of people has been by selecting different styles of venue for their activities and offering different days and times of the week to meet.

Get some tips

The Croydon group and the Nottingham group are examples of two of our local groups who’ve been successful in attracting new people to their activities. They’d be happy to share with other groups what worked for them, so if you’d like to know a bit more you can email:

Contact Chris Evans, our Quality & Safeguarding Manager

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