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New resources

We have created new guides for using Zoom

  1. Participating in a Zoom meeting.
  2. Hosting a meeting on Zoom.

We have also created a basic factsheet about coronavirus and MS which can be printed and sent to anybody without online access.

  1. Offline factsheet on COVID-19 and MS

Staying connected using Zoom and social media

In these unsettling times of social distancing and self-isolation it's easy to feel less connected with the individuals and communities who are important in our lives. We completely understand if groups don’t feel able to carry on at this time. However, those that would like to continue to provide support will be doing their best to keep in touch with their volunteers, members and service users online or by telephone

o Zoom video conferencing

Shopping support

We understand it’s a confusing time for everyone with so much information available. Particularly in relation to shopping hours and online delivery slots for those affected by MS. 

I have MS, can I use the priority slots? 

Some major supermarkets have introduced priority shopping hours in stores for vulnerable people.  

We know supermarkets are experiencing extremely high demand and not everyone with MS has been able to get a delivery. If you’ve had a letter from the NHS you’ll have some guidance on there, including how to register as vulnerable. 

Social care changes

There has been a lot of talk recently in the media around the changes to the Care Act. This is likely to be very worrying for many in the MS community. 

What does this mean? 

On March 31 local councils could declare an ‘emergency period’. This means that they can suspend the Care Act duties to meet eligible needs for social care under the Coronavirus Act. 

Our financial position

As you will most likely have heard, the current situation is financially difficult for the charity sector. As an organisation our income is significantly impacted, and we expect it will be similar for volunteer groups. So it’s prudent that we all manage expenditure.

We entered this difficult phase as a financially secure, well managed organisation and remain so. However, we are anticipating a 30% reduction in our income which is typical for charities of our size. And we cannot sustain a drop in income of that level without taking significant steps to reduce expenditure.

Offering MS Support during social distancing

We appreciate that your group may be struggling to know how to support your members and the MS community locally while face-to-face services have had to be put on hold.

MS Support

If your group offers MS Support, we are keen to work with you to ensure that you can continue this to support local people affected by MS. Especially if you are experiencing a higher than normal number of enquiries during this difficult period.

Individual Grants - April 2020 - National service suspended

Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, the MS Society national grants programme has had to be paused. We will not be able to accept new applications, process applications already received or support local group applications. We understand this will be disappointing news, but a lot of difficult decisions are having to be made at the moment to try to protect the MS Society for the future. For both financial and practical reasons, it isn't possible to continue with with our national grants programme at the moment.

Updates on COVID-19 and what we're doing

The changing world is meaning that we’re having to continuously make difficult decisions about how we need to adapt as an organisation. This includes the very hard decision to stop all face-to-face support across our community, in line with government advice.

Supporting our community

Throughout this crisis our number one priority is supporting people affected by MS. We will provide the most accurate and up-to-date information, opportunities to connect, and practical help and support to our community.

Online tools

Using Zoom - Participant guide