This week is Carers Week - a week dedicated to celebrating friends and family who make living with MS easier.
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Our volunteers are an essential part of our community. As we look forward to Volunteers' Week, find out how we recognise your achievements.
Our Press Office is working with two journalists at national newspapers who write about disability benefits and social care cuts.
Our brand new Group Handbook and Running a group web section are here.
In recent months, the helpline has seen an unprecedented number of daytime calls and a drop in demand for the service after 5pm.
On Thursday 19 January, soap opera Hollyoaks is broadcasting a new storyline where one of their main characters, Nancy Osbourne (pictured), will be diagnosed with MS.
The Health and Wellbeing grant is now live and accepting applications.
The MS Society Awards are back, and will be taking place on 5 May.
Today we've launched the next phase of our MS: Enough campaign – focusing on support for people with MS at work.
We need people with MS and existing MS Society group volunteers to join our Quality Standards steering group.