On Thursday 26 September, celebrities and guests gathered for a spectacular evening at Illuminate, at the Science Museum, to raise vital funds for people living with MS.
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We’re all aware (and often reminded) of the importance of keeping everyone’s data safe.
Assemble is our new volunteer management system (VMS) launching soon. It will simplify processes, give you control of your personal data and provide a central source of information.
While running your group, you may need to share personal information about your group members and/or those who use your services.
Throughout this year we’ve been letting you know about plans to launch Assemble, our new volunteer management system (VMS).
Our Impact Awards are one way that we recognise the commitment, achievements, and successes of our volunteers.
Our current strategy, Every MS Story, was co-produced with the MS community and runs until the end of 2024.
We know there are many different ways to engage with communities in person and online. And knowing how to be inclusive of everyone can be overwhelming.
We've been made aware of an opportunity that we're pleased to share with you.