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Read our special issue of Teamspirit

We had to pause Teamspirit at the start of the pandemic, and it will remain on hold until we’ve completed an upcoming communications review. But we recently published a special issue which was sent out in print. If you had previously asked to be removed from our print distribution list you won’t have received it, so we’re pleased to share it with you online now.

The issue includes:

  • Organisational charts for the four teams within Community Networks.

  • A reminder of our commitment to listen to volunteers and improve the support we offer.

Keeping you safe online

In recent times, we all see and hear about more and more cyber attacks. There are many different types of phishing emails and scams on the internet nowadays. And, as cyber criminals become more sophisticated, it’s becoming harder and harder to identify scams. It’s important we’re aware of potential risks, what to look out for and how to protect our accounts.

World MS Day

World MS Day is on Sunday 30 May, and this year the theme is ‘connections’. It’s all about building community connection, self-connection and connections to quality care. The MS International Federation (MSIF), of which we’re a member, has developed this campaign to challenge social barriers that leave people affected by MS feeling lonely and socially isolated.

‘Not Alone’

The campaign tagline is ‘Not Alone’ and the campaign hashtag is #MSConnections. And we encourage you to get involved on your social media channels using this tag.

MS-STAT2 trial closes in on recruitment goal

Our MS-STAT2 trial is investigating whether simvastatin can slow disability progression when taken over a three-year period. They’re measuring progression using the Expanded Disability Status Scale, which assesses changes in walking and other MS symptoms.

Raising dough for an excellent cause

With the vaccination programme well underway, and lockdown restrictions easing, many of us are enjoying spending time with loved ones once again. So why not get your nearest and dearest together to celebrate with some sweet treats – whilst making a real difference for people affected by MS?

Join our Stop MS Appeal lecture

We’re delighted to invite you to our sixth Stop MS Appeal lecture, which will once again be taking place online – on Wednesday 2 June from 6.30pm.

Join our Community Networks Advisory Panel!

It's important to us that you have the tools and support you need to serve your MS communities, and that volunteering with us is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. We want to make sure that systems and resources are designed in partnership with the volunteers who will use them, and that decisions affecting local groups are made by volunteers and staff working together.

Website issues now resolved

As previously communicated, our developers have been carrying out work to resolve some issues on our website. These issues were concerned with how local events and services were pulled from the Portal onto groups' pages on the main website, which is done by an automatic update that runs every evening.

The issues with the automatic update have now been resolved and the ‘support near you’ section is working as expected. The fixes mean:

  • When a local group is removed, its associated events no longer appear on the website.

An update from the Finance Team

The Finance Team are working hard to process outstanding payments to our groups. These will be made later this month.

Annual payment to groups in lieu of previous membership subscriptions

We used to ask people to pay to become members of the MS Society. But we don’t want money to be a barrier for anyone who wants to join our community.

If people want to support our work, we now encourage them to make a donation or they can subscribe to MS Matters to find out more about our work.