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Grants Get-togethers

We've heard feedback that you’d like more opportunities to talk about grants with other group volunteers. We know groups are in different positions with offering grants — some have been doing this for many years, while others are just starting. But whether you’re asking for advice or sharing your own experience, we want to support you to connect with each other.

So, we’re running Grants Get-togethers on Zoom, which are:

Restarting face-to-face group activity

With things now feeling more ‘normal’ and the summer holiday season coming to an end, we’re seeing an increase in the number of groups now ready to restart some face-to-face activity. It’s great to know that some of our service users, many of whom have been physically isolated for so long, will be able to resume the social contact which means so much to them.

This also seems a good time for a reminder about the five-step process all groups need to follow before restarting any face-to-face activity:

Watch the new TV advert - We Are Undefeatable

"We Are Undefeatable" is a movement supporting people with a range of long-term health conditions, backed by expertise, insight and significant National Lottery funding from Sport England. It was launched in 2019 to inspire, reassure and support people to be active by showing people living with a variety of conditions – both visible and invisible – on their own journeys to being active. The movement was initially developed by the Richmond group. It is now been shared by many other charities.

Approved but denied

Right now, thousands of people living with MS who experience muscle spasms are facing an unacceptable postcode lottery.

Sativex, a cannabis-based spray, was approved in England in 2019 to treat moderate to severe spasms when other treatments have not worked. Yet many people with MS are still being denied access. Our research shows Sativex is only funded by 49 out of 106 of England’s local health bodies.

Local Action for MS – online events

In September, we’re running a series of events for you to find out more about our Local Action for MS programme. You can sign up on our website to hear about taking action in your local community, and campaigning with the MS Society.

If you’d like to find out more about what Local Action for MS is, the support, tools and resources you can access, and hear real stories from campaigners, we’d love to see you!

Volunteer Voice

We began our Volunteer Voice sessions during the unsettling days of the first lockdown, so we could come together to share experiences and ideas on supporting our community and each other. We wanted to update you on how the organisation was responding to the challenges of the pandemic, hear your questions and concerns, and provide reassurance where we could. As 2020 progressed, and the sessions were well received, we settled into the current monthly schedule.

UK Government consults on disability benefits

We’ve waited two years for the UK Government’s plans to improve disability benefits. And now is our opportunity to make sure the MS community is heard loud and clear, so the Government knows what they need to do to make benefits work for people with MS.

Team Stop MS

By 2025, we want to be in the final stages of testing treatments for everyone with MS. Treatments that slow or stop disability progression.

We believe £100 million could take us to a future where no one has to worry about MS getting worse. And we need your help to get there!

The good news is we’re already over halfway to our ambitious target, and by joining #TeamStopMS you can help us reach our goal – and have some fun in the process!

RDO/CDO visits to groups

Last year, as we talked about the changes the creation of the new Community Networks Team would bring, one of the things we discussed was making an annual visit to each of our groups.  

Welcome to For you

We've now launched For you to everyone who used to be a member of MS Society. Find out all you need to know about membership changes and For you here.