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"Volunteering gives me focus and purpose"

Susan started volunteering when she discovered local volunteer support services weren’t quite suited for younger people like her.

Invite your MP to our parliamentary exhibition

Please encourage your MP to come along so they can learn about MS

EastEnders storyline

Training for volunteers who provide transport

We provide vehicle-specific induction and regular refresher training to all volunteers who provide transport.

Using MS Society email

Operating in financial safety

Operating in financial safety

Our trustees are ultimately responsible for all funds. To make sure funds are raised, used and held in accordance with good practice and various regulations, trustees have put in place financial rules (Appendix four of the Group Handbook).

All coordinating team volunteers need to be aware of these rules - not just the finance volunteer.

We would like to remind you of a few of the rules below and the reasons why they are so important:

Your Coordinating Team

Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June

Are you ready to celebrate Volunteers’ Week with us this year?