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The difference we’ll make over the next five years

Our current strategy Together to Beat MS comes to an end this year. Our next strategy will launch in 2020, setting out our goals for the next five years.

To help develop our next strategy we spoke to lots of people in our MS community about what they think is important; what we should build on and what doesn’t work well.

Over 800 volunteers and members shared their views – so thank you!

Volunteer Survey 2019 is live!

Your chance to tell us what you think about volunteering with the MS Society.

Claiming expenses

Find out from volunteers Haydn (Administration and Communications Volunteer), Helen (Group Coordinator) and Jag (Communications Volunteer) why all volunteers should claim their reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred while volunteering with us.

Living our values - join an online session

Our values of ‘Bold, Expert, Ambitious, and Together’ were developed with people affected by MS a few years ago. These represent the organisation the MS community wants us to be.

But are we all demonstrating these values?

We’re running a series of online sessions where you can join volunteers throughout the MS Society to discuss what our values mean to you, how we ‘live’ them in everything we do and what can get in the way.

By joining an online session, you’ll get the chance to:

"It’s a privilege to help people improve their lives"

Ruth didn’t know anything about MS but used her experience as a teacher to help her local group grow and improve.

"A great opportunity for me to improve my skills and help others"

Nurjamal started volunteering with her local MS Society group while studying accounting at university.

"Local groups are like family"

Kevin started volunteering with his local group in 2008, not long after his wife was diagnosed with MS.

"Volunteering gave me the opportunity to make new friends"

When Marion was diagnosed with MS, she got involved with her local group almost straight away.

"My Shining Star awards honour"

After being diagnosed with MS over 40 years ago, Dorothy joined her local MS Society group as a Support Volunteer.