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On the day of your event

The day of your event will be a busy one. Here’s how to make sure everyone knows what’s expected of them to keep your delegates safe and happy.

See Group Handbook B1: Availability, contact and communication

  1. Event checklist
  2. Briefing everyone
  3. Registration
  4. Refreshments
  5. Asking for feedback

Event checklist

To help you run your event, our event checklist outlines the tasks you need to complete on the day itself. As each event is different, you can easily adapt this checklist to fit your event.

  1. Download our Event checklist

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Briefing everyone

Before your event starts, it’s important that all volunteers and staff working on your event meet to discuss final arrangements and any last minute changes. This should happen at the venue so that they can visualise how your event will run and be made aware of all the fire exits.

Briefing delegates about safety

It’s also important to cover health and safety matters when you welcome people who are attending your event.

  1. Go to Our events risk management system

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If people need to register on arrival at your event, your registration stand should be set-up in an accessible area at least 30 minutes before registration is due to begin. Place it as close to the entrance as possible, making sure it's always covered by at least two people. Some people may have had a long or difficult journey, so a warm and friendly welcome will go far.

Keeping personal data safe

You must keep registration information about event delegates in your possession at all times. You must not view them where members of the public may be able to see them, and you must never leave them unattended.

  1. Find out more about Keeping personal data safe

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Where the MS Society is providing its own refreshments, any food must be purchased pre-prepared, pre-packed and ready to eat.

Personal care

In most cases, if a person attending your event needs personal care, this should be provided by a person’s own primary carer as part of their support plan. If however, you organise an event that aims to give primary carers a break, you must supply contracted care assistants to provide personal care.

  1. Find out more about Personal care

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Asking for feedback

The day of your event is a great opportunity to collect feedback that you can use to plan future events. Feedback forms are a useful tool for identifying your audience, areas of successes and aspects that could be improved.

Data Statement

If your event feedback form asks delegates to provide any personal data, it must include a Data Statement and link to our Privacy Notice.

  1. Find out how to create a Data Statement

Consent forms

You must obtain written consent to use photos, captions, audio or video of people at your event. You must store completed Consent forms securely.

  1. Download our Event consent form
  2. Download an Event photography and filming consent sign to display on the day

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