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Providing quality services and activities
We only provide services and activities that people affected by MS have told us they need access to, and that we know will have a positive impact on them.
See Group Handbook B6: Planning and delivering quality services and activities
Understanding the needs of your MS community
Working with our staff, MS professionals, MS Society members and your wider MS community can help us to understand what is needed.
- Find out more about Understanding local need
What should we offer?
We campaign to improve access to NHS services, and provide quality services and activities that meet our local priorities, keep everyone safe, and reach out to as many people as possible.
- See our guidance on Deciding what to offer
Delivering quality services
Our principles of quality service delivery help ensure the services we provide are accessible, impactful, safe, professionally delivered and regularly reviewed.
- Learn about Delivering quality services
Service level agreements
Whenever your group receives a service or activity from a service provider, you need a written agreement that sets out the expectations of everyone involved.
- Find out more about Service level agreements
Need support?
Your Local Networks Officer is here to support your group to develop services and activities that meet the needs of your MS community.
- Get contact details for your Local Networks Officer
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