We offer information to support and enable people to take control and make choices for themselves. This means that it is up to the person to decide what works best for them, based on the information available, or knowing where to go to find out more.
Giving advice involves a person or organisation regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative making recommendations concerning future action.
We don’t expect your group to give advice and you must not do so on our behalf. If a person needs specialist help, we want you to signpost them to a suitable service provider, or contact our MS Helpline for support.
Local Contacts Template
We expect all groups that handle money and deliver services and activities to maintain a list of local MS services to signpost to when dealing with information enquiries. We have developed a Local Contacts Template to help you do this.
It includes space to record contact details of key services, such as your local MS nurse (if there is one), Adult Social Care Team, and Citizens Advice Bureau.
We want your group to update this list regularly and share it with all volunteers who deal with information enquiries.
- Download our Local Contacts Template
Signposting and MS Support
If your group offers MS Support, your Lead Support Volunteers and Support Volunteers are trained to use our signposting criteria to identify suitable specialist advice providers.
Lead Support Volunteers and Support Volunteers also have access to the list of UK-wide and nation-specific organisations that our MS Helpline signposts to.
- Find out more about Signposting to specialist advice
- Ask your Local Networks Officer about offering MS Support
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