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Finance support for groups update

We’ve been looking into a couple of finance system issues affecting groups and how we can improve finance support in general.

Staff recruitment

Thank you for bearing with us whilst we address the staffing gap in the Finance Support Team. We know that it’s a frustrating situation and that you’re having to wait longer than is helpful for responses to queries. We’re very sorry about this.

Why is GDPR - Keeping Data Safe so important

You may not feel GDPR is the most exciting topic, but we all have a responsibility to keep people in our MS community and their personal data safe.    

It’s vital you complete our eLearning because:    

  • It will support you to look after data safely - not just for the MS Society, but wherever you are, and whoever’s personal information you’re entrusted with.  

  • Memories fade, and laws and organisational processes and policies change. Our eLearning provides a timely refresher on the principles of data protection.  

Our new Executive Director of Services and Support

We’re pleased to announce that Sam Walker has been appointed as our new Executive Director (ED) of Services and Support.

Phase Two of GDPR eLearning rollout coming soon

At the end of February, we launched a new GDPR eLearning called Keeping Data Safe. Anyone in certain roles who's not done GDPR training in the last two years and/or has an MS Society email account or access to the Portal will be asked to complete it to retain access to our systems.

Getting ready to celebrate Volunteers' Week 2022

Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration that recognises volunteers and everything you do to support the work of charities and community groups around the country.

From 1-7 June, organisations throughout the UK will be going all out to shout about the impact their volunteers make. We believe our volunteers are the best of the best, and we intend to make sure everyone knows it!

Helpline Easter closure

The MS Society Helpline will be closed from Thursday 14 April at 7pm and will re-open on Tuesday 19 April at 9am.

London Flag Day - Saturday 11 June 2022

London Metropolitan Flag Day allows the MS Society to hold charitable collections (in aid of the MS Society) across London for one day only during daylight hours (so long as they're within the areas covered by London Metropolitan Police).

This event can be an excellent source of funding for your group, so now's the time to get a team together to help you collect.

Join our ChariotMS live events

Traditionally, clinical trials for MS haven't included people who depend on a wheelchair to get around. But this is changing.

ChariotMS is a phase 2 trial testing whether cladribine can help people with more advanced MS maintain the use of their arms and hands. Cladribine (brand name Mavenclad) is already licensed for highly active relapsing MS.

Community Networks Advisory Panel

We want to ensure that the support we’re providing to our groups is as effective, timely and as accessible as possible. So local groups can, in turn, support their local MS communities. To help us do this, and to better understand and agree our priority areas of work, we’ve formed a panel of volunteers and staff, called the Community Networks Advisory Panel (CNAP).