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Dealing with problems
Dealing with problems includes the process and policies we use when issues are raised.
See Group Handbook A3: Our values and how we deal with problems
A complaint or concern can be raised by any volunteer, MS Society member, employee, person affected by MS, person connected with another organisation, or member of the public.
Process for dealing with problems
The most common issues experienced by groups are things that can be dealt with by your Coordinating Team. If a problem does arise, your first step should be to assess whether you are able to deal with it in this way.
If your Coordinating Team is unable to deal with a problem informally, contact your Local Networks Officer to help you to work through it.
If this isn't appropriate and your complaint or concern needs to be dealt with formally, you must follow the appropriate policy and procedure.
Policies for dealing with problems
See all MS Society policies and documents or download the individual policy you need below.
Our Complaints Policy will help you deal with comments and complaints about functions or services in any part of the MS Society.
Dignity at work
We take bullying and harassment seriously, and will not tolerate it. Our aim is to protect our volunteers and staff from such behaviours and to promote a culture of mutual respect.
Our Dignity at Work Policy sets out the process for dealing with such behaviours informally and formally.
Resolving volunteer issues
Refer to our Resolving Volunteer Issues Resources if a volunteer raises an issue about volunteering or another volunteer.
Although encountering abuse is rare, it is important that it is never ignored.
Our Safeguarding Policies and Guidance set out what you must do if you witness, suspect or are told that a person in contact with the MS Society has been abused.
Our Whistleblowing Policy sets out the procedure to follow if you have cause to raise a concern about exceptional or serious malpractice, such as health and safety, fraud or mismanagement.
Need support?
Your Local Networks Officer is here to support you to deal with any problems that occur.
- Get contact details for your Local Networks Officer