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Our values
Our values include our organisational values, our Code of Conduct and our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
See Group Handbook A3: Our values and how we deal with problems
Our organisational values
Our organisational values represent who we are. Together, we are strong enough to stop MS.
We are brave and innovative. We are not afraid to take risks and speak out, even when it is not easy. We are pioneering and dynamic in our approach to achieving our goals. We will campaign and push boundaries, and will not give up until we have beaten MS.
As a community, we understand MS better than anyone else. Our work is built on the rich and varied expertise and experience of people affected by MS, our staff, volunteers, professionals and scientists, to improve the lives of people affected by MS.
We do not accept the status quo. We set high standards and work hard to reach them, driving real change. We push the boundaries and are positive about beating MS.
We achieve success by working with the whole MS community and others who can help us achieve our goals. We are collaborative and inclusive in our approach to succeed in delivering our goals. Everything we do shows we support and care about each other.
- Download our Strategy 2015-2019
Our Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is a statement of the values we uphold in all our activities. Everybody who volunteers for, or is employed by the MS Society must take personal responsibility for following this code, as must all those connected with or acting on our behalf.
- See our Code of Conduct
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We have a detailed Equal Opportunities Policy and Diversity Position Statement in line with the Equality Act for England, Scotland and Wales, and relevant government orders in Northern Ireland.
Protected characteristics
The Equality Act protects us all according to the following nine characteristics:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage or civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
In addition, we do not discriminate against people on the grounds of:
- Caring responsibilities
- Class
- Health and HIV status
- Parental status
- Political opinion
- Spent criminal convictions
Involving people affected by MS
Although people with MS, their families and carers benefit from our work, they are also integral to designing and delivering it.
We expect you to involve people affected by MS in decision making and encourage them to play an active role in planning services and activities. You must make sure all meetings are accessible to people affected by MS.
- Use our Access audit when choosing a venue
- See our guidance on Personal care
Need support?
Your Local Networks Officer will support you to challenge unfair or offensive treatment on any grounds, not just in relation to MS.
- Get contact details for your Local Networks Officer