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Banking and account administration
We expect your group to bank and hold all funds in an MS Society cash pooling account, maintained and administered by your Finance Volunteer.
See Group Handbook B4: Managing your finances
- Our cash pooling scheme
- Account signatories
- Bank mandate and correspondence address
- Account administration
Our cash pooling scheme
We operate a cash pooling scheme with Barclays Bank to safeguard our funds and reduce administration. Your group is only permitted to bank and hold funds within an MS Society cash pooling account. Your account must include ‘MS Society’ or ‘MSS’ in the name.
Account signatories
Your cash pooling account must have three account signatories named on the bank mandate who are able to sign cheques. To be an account signatory, you must:
- Be a member of the Coordinating Team
- Not be related to another account signatory or be a member of the same household
- Have full residential address details listed on our Portal
- Find out more about Using the Portal
Read about signatory responsibilities to help you prevent fraud when signing cheques.
Bank mandate and statement address
Your Finance Volunteer is responsible for updating your statement address and completing a bank mandate to add, remove or update account signatories.
Read about how to update group account signatories if you need to add or change a signatory on your MS Society pooling account.
- Contact our Finance Support Team to request a bank mandate pack.
Use the Change of Statement Address form if you need to change your statement address on your cash pooling account.
Updating your contact details
Don’t forget to make sure your bank mandate matches our central volunteer database.
- Learn about Updating your contact details
Account administration
Your Finance Volunteer is your group’s main contact for day to day banking matters, with support from these sources:
Finance Support Team
Our Finance Support Team is your staff support for all account administration queries. We are here to help you to:
- Check account signatories
- Request a smartcard and PIN pad to access online banking
- Order a duplicate statement
- Order cheque books, paying in books and stop cheques
- Deal with banking and transactional queries, mandates and change of statement address forms
- Get contact details for our Finance Support Team
Bank correspondence
Any postal correspondence sent directly to Barclays must be on MS Society headed paper and signed in accordance with the bank mandate. You must send a copy of the correspondence to our Treasury Officer as Barclays may contact them for confirmation.
Do not reply to any email correspondence from a bank (including Barclays). Forward this to our Treasury Officer.
- Download an MS Society letterhead template
- Get contact details for our Treasury Officer
Online Banking online banking is a simple and secure way to service your cash pooling account.
You can use it to:
- View statements
- Make payments
- Order cheque books, paying in books and stop cheques
Only account signatories can access and each user must have a smartcard and PIN pad.
- Log in to
Barclays Client Executive Team
Our Barclays Client Executive Team can help you to:
- Find out more information on statement transactions
- Check account signatories
Barclays Client Executive Team
Phone: 0800 285 1040
Monday to Friday, 8am – 7pm
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