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Team meetings
We expect your Coordinating Team to meet regularly to review your group's finances, plan services and activities and make decisions.
See Group Handbook C3: Your Coordinating Team
How frequently should we meet?
Your Coordinating Team must hold a minimum of four team meetings per year to discuss matters and make decisions on behalf of your group.
You may choose to meet more frequently, or to use email to discuss matters between meetings. You must store email correspondence securely and never share it with a third party.
- See Data rules for our rules for sending, receiving, storing and sharing emails
Making decisions
It is important that you involve all members of the Coordinating Team in key discussions and reach decisions by consensus. If you can't reach a consensus, the Group Coordinator should decide.
Individual volunteers do not have the authority to conduct business on behalf of your group unless they have the agreement of the Coordinating Team. This agreement must be recorded in meeting notes.
We expect your Coordinating Team to make decisions in line with our organisational values, policies, rules and group requirements.
- See Group Handbook A3: Our values and how we deal with problems
- See Group Handbook A4: Our legal identity, policies and rules
Involving people affected by MS
It is important that you involve people affected by MS in decision making and encourage them to play an active role in planning services and activities. Your group must make sure all meetings are fully accessible to people affected by MS.
- Use our Access audit when choosing a meeting venue
- See our guidance on Personal care
Meeting administration
We recommend that you circulate an agenda before your team meetings so that everyone is clear about what is to be discussed and can prepare for the meeting.
Sample team meeting agenda:
- Actions taken and matters arising since the last meeting
- Discussion about services and activities provided by your group
- A review of the group's financial accounts and fundraising progress
Team meetings do not need formal minutes, but we recommend that you maintain and circulate a list of actions agreed so everyone is clear about what is expected of them before the next team meeting.
Need support?
Your Local Networks Officer is here to supporting your Coordinating Team to develop services and activities in your MS community.
- Get contact details for your Local Networks Officer
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