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Running an MS Society Shop

Our property risk management system ensures that you can provide a safe and legal environment for members and visitors at MS Society properties. Shop risk assessments must be completed by an appropriate person (known as the 'Shop Contact') if your group operates a shop that is owned by the MS Society, or where the lease or rental agreement indicates you have upkeep and maintenance responsibilities.

The measures set out below must be met in the usual way.


These documents will give you the background to our property risk management system.

  1. VPRA: 101 - Property risk assessment (general)

Specific risk assessments

Complete all five risk assessments for your shop.

  1. VPRA: 101A - General safety
  2. VPRA: 102A - Fire safety
  3. VPRA: 103A - Hazardous substances
  4. VPRA: 104A - Moving around
  5. VPRA: 105A - Manual handling

Emergency forms and information

Ensure you have copies of insurance documents and familiarise yourself with our accident and incident recording and reporting processes, and emergency notices.

  1. Public and Employers liability insurance
  2. Summary of insurance cover
  3. HSV: 122 - Accident report form
  4. HSV: 123 - Incident report form
  5. HSV: 124 - Emergency aid notice
  6. HSV: 125 - Fire and emergency safety plan
  7. HSV: 126 - Fire evacuation drill record
  8. HSV: 127 - Personal emergency evacuation plan questionnaire
  9. HSV: 127A - Personal emergency evacuation plan
  10. HSV: 128 - Personal emergency evacuation plan summary sheet


The risk assessment includes checklists - you can download them here.

  1. HSV: 111 - Property personnel register
  2. HSV: 112 - Safety checklist
  3. HSV: 113 - Property defect report form
  4. HSV: 114 - Competent person checks
  5. HSV: 117 - Ladders - detailed visual inspection
  6. HSV: 118 - Building condition form
  7. HSV: 132 - Property induction form
  8. HSV: 132A - Property induction form - young person
  9. HSV: 132B - Property induction form - vulnerable adult
  10. HSV: 132C - Property induction form - expectant mother
  11. HSV: 132D - Property induction form - contractor
  12. HSV: 132WB - Property induction workbook
  13. HSV: 141 - Manual handling risk assessment

Portable Appliance Testing - PAT

If you wish to sell electrical goods you can download the relevant documents from: Portable appliance testing

Additional guidance

  1. HSV: 142 - Workstation information
  2. HSV: 145 - Safe sorting guide poster
  3. HSV: 146 - Safe lifting and carrying poster
  4. HSV: 147 - Safe use of stepladders poster
  5. HSV: 148 - Your safety matters poster

Need support?

Contact your Volunteer support team in the first instance.

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