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Ethics, transparency and accountability
Anyone raising funds for us must help ensure that the MS Society acts ethically and transparently, and is accountable to donors. To achieve this, there are five important ethical principles you must follow when raising funds:
Act honestly and truthfully so that public trust is protected and donors and beneficiaries are not misled.
Respect the reputation of the MS Society, as well as the dignity of all donors and beneficiaries.
Act openly. Disclose all actual or potential conflicts of interest and avoid any appearance of personal or professional misconduct.
Encourage everyone to use the same professional standards. Value individual privacy, freedom of choice and diversity in all forms.
Give accurate, easily understandable reports about the work you do, the way donations are managed and dispersed, and costs and expenses. Donors have a right to know how their contribution to the MS Society is spent.
We can be held responsible for our actions and must be able to explain, clarify and justify them if necessary. It’s therefore essential to be open, frank and honest in all communications, transactions and operations.
Part of transparency is presenting information in a way that your audience can easily understand.
Remember, we’re a single organisation with one name and a shared charity and company number, so we must maintain the same high standards across the MS Society.
Any questions?
If you have questions about these principles, contact the member of staff who supports you.